Research Article

Brain Responses during the Anticipation of Dyspnea

Table 3

Peak coordinates, -statistics, and uncorrected values for significant brain activations during the perception of severe versus mild dyspnea.


Precentral cortex R44−8387.02<0.001
Precentral cortex L−42−12407.73<0.001
Postcentral cortex R46−10367.3<0.001
Postcentral L−42−12347.11<0.001
Supplementary motor area R4−24625.75<0.001
Supplementary motor area L−4−2605.46<0.001
Parietal operculum (SII) R64−18206.31<0.001
Parietal operculum (SII) L−54−16206.41<0.001
Insula R36645.78<0.001
Insula L−360105.05<0.001
Cerebellar hemisphere R14−62−205.41<0.001
Cerebellar hemisphere L−26−62−246.72<0.001

Whole-brain family-wise error corrected .
Small volume corrected for respective bilateral ROI < 0.05.
= left-right coordinate, = posterior-anterior coordinate, = inferior-superior coordinate, R = right hemisphere; L = left hemisphere.