Review Article

Axon Initial Segment Cytoskeleton: Architecture, Development, and Role in Neuron Polarity

Figure 1

Architecture of the axon initial segment (AIS) and its key protein components. ((a), top) Neuron polarity. Polarized neurons receive synaptic inputs in the somatodendritic domain (green), which transmits the signals through the axon hillock to the axon initial segment (red). The AIS integrates synaptic inputs and initiates an action potential that gets propagated along the distal axon (blue) and amplified at nodes of Ranvier. ((a), bottom) Molecular organization of the AIS. The AIS can be divided into three layers: the plasma membrane, submembrane cytoskeleton, and inner AIS shaft (left), each having AIS-specific features (zoomed view at right). The scaffolding protein ankyrin G (AnkG) recruits many other proteins to the AIS and can interact with components in the different AIS regions. In the plasma membrane, AnkG through its N-terminal membrane-binding domain binds voltage-gated ion channels, which are important for action potential initiation and regulation, and cell adhesion molecules (CAMs). The submembrane cytoskeleton contains AnkG, βIV-spectrin, and actin filaments. These proteins form a periodic network along the entire length of the AIS. Periodic actin is spaced ~190 by at least two βIV-spectrin subunits, which in turn attach to the membrane through interactions with AnkG. In addition to periodic actin, relatively long, randomly oriented, dynamic actin filaments also exist in the submembrane cytoskeleton, and these filaments may have functions distinct from periodic actin. The inner AIS shaft contains microtubules bundles (fascicles), neurofilaments, and potentially also actin filaments (not shown). AnkG can extend its C-terminal tail into the inner AIS shaft where it is predicted to interact with microtubule fascicles. (b) Domain organization of isoforms of ankyrin G (AnkG). AnkG population contains two large neuron-specific isoforms, 270 kDa and 480 kDa, that localize specifically to AIS and nodes of Ranvier. The N-terminal membrane-binding domain of AnkG contains 24 ANK repeats (33-amino acid motif that mediates protein interactions). These 24 ANK repeats fold to form four independent subdomains (each containing 6 ANK repeats) that compose a globular membrane-binding domain. The spectrin-binding domain allows interactions with βIV-spectrin and thereby attachment of the submembrane cytoskeleton to the membrane. The serine-rich domain is glycosylated with N-acetylglucosamine monosaccharides. 480 kDa AnkG contains a 220 kDa insert following the spectrin-binding domain that is predicted to form a random coil. (c) Domain organization of typical α- and β-spectrin isoforms. (Top) α-spectrin comprises an incomplete spectrin repeat at the N-terminus (red), 20 complete spectrin repeats (violet), an SH3 (Src homology 3) domain (dark blue) inserted into spectrin repeat 9, and two EF-hand motifs at the C-terminus. Last two spectrin repeats (dark violet) can interact with the first two spectrin repeats in β-spectrin to form an antiparallel dimer. (Middle) β-spectrin comprises an N-terminal actin-binding domain (BD), 16 full spectrin repeats (violet), an incomplete 17th spectrin repeat (red), a variable region specific for individual β-spectrin isoforms (specific domain, SD), and a C-terminal pleckstrin homology (PH) domain. Spectrin repeats 1 and 2 (dark violet) dimerize with α-spectrin; spectrin repeats 14 and 15 interact with AnkG. (Bottom) A typical spectrin molecule represents an αβ-heterotetramer (two α- and two β-subunits) that form a rod-shaped structure. Two αβ-spectrin dimers, each formed by transverse interaction between α-spectrin repeats 19 and 20 and β-spectrin repeats 1 and 2, associate with each other longitudinally by making complete spectrin repeats through pairwise interaction of the incomplete spectrin repeats at the N-terminus of α-spectrin and the C-terminus of β-spectrin. (d) AIS-specific βIV-spectrin isoforms. βIV1 and βIV6 spectrins. The full-length βIV1 isoform has organization typical to β-spectrins (c). The βIV6 isoform lacks the N-terminus and first 10 spectrin repeats.