Research Article

KV1 and KV3 Potassium Channels Identified at Presynaptic Terminals of the Corticostriatal Synapses in Rat

Figure 5

Specific blockers reveal the presence of presynaptic 1.6 family potassium channels at corticostriatal synapses. Representative experiments showing the reduction of PPR after exposure to hongotoxin (a) and dendrotoxin (b) alone or applied sequentially (c). In (a) and (b) upper left panels show the time course of PPR as it changes due to drug administration. Horizontal bars indicate time of drug perfusion. Representative traces showing population spikes before (1) and after (2) exposure to drugs are shown in the right panels. The changes in (red) or (black) amplitude are shown on the left lower panels. Initially PPR was adjusted to obtain PPR ≥ 1. In (c), left panel shows the effect on PPR of adding hongotoxin and dendrotoxin sequentially, and traces on the left are shown to exemplify the reduction of PPR.