Clinical Study

Neuroplasticity Changes on Human Motor Cortex Induced by Acupuncture Therapy: A Preliminary Study

Figure 1

TMS properties of intervention-induced plasticity. (a–c) Effects of acupuncture on TMS variables. (a) Motor thresholds (mean ± SD). Acupuncture affected the RMT of neither the contralateral nor ipsilateral FDI of acupuncture (). Preintervention (open bars); postintervention (filled bars). (b) The recruitment curve (mean ± SEM) from the left FDI (ipsilateral FDI of acupuncture). The ordinate gives the MEP size in mV; the abscissa shows the stimulus intensity relative to RMT. Preintervention (○); postintervention (●). Significantly smaller MEPs were elicited at intensities greater than 90% RMT after acupuncture. (c) The recruitment curve (mean ± SEM) from the right FDI (contralateral FDI of acupuncture). Significantly larger MEPs were elicited at intensities 100%, 110%, and 130% RMT after acupuncture. (d–f) Variables by the control intervention. (d) Motor thresholds (mean ± SD). RMT in neither the left FDI nor the right FDI was altered by the control period. (e) The recruitment curve (mean ± SEM) from the left FDI. No significant changes of MEP amplitude were elicited by the control period. (f) The recruitment curve (mean ± SEM) from the right FDI. No significant changes of MEP amplitude were elicited by the control period. (Bonferroni’s post hoc adjustment).