Research Article

Sphingosine 1-Phosphate Receptor 1 Modulates CNTF-Induced Axonal Growth and Neuroprotection in the Mouse Visual System

Figure 4

S1PR1 knockdown alters CNTF-induced RGC survival after ONC. (a) Two weeks after ONC, surviving RGCs were observed in retinal flat-mounts after immunofluorescent staining for β3-tubulin. Less RGCs were visible in retinae infected with AAV2.shRNA-S1PR1 and ShH10.CNTF ( mice) than in mice injected with ShH10.CNTF/AAV2.GFP ( mice) or ShH10.CNTF/AAV2.shRNA-S1PR1 ( mice). (b) Quantitatively, the average number of surviving RGCs was statistically lower in whole retinae transduced with ShH10.CNTF/AAV2.shRNA-S1PR1 than in the two other groups of animals (ANOVA, ). (c) The reduction of RGC survival caused by ShH10.CNTF/AAV2.shRNA-S1PR1 was the most pronounced in the superior quadrant of the retina (ANOVA, ). Scale bar: 100 μm.