Review Article

Physical Activity Modulates Common Neuroplasticity Substrates in Major Depressive and Bipolar Disorder

Table 2

Preclinical studies of physical activity in rodent models of mood disorder. To determine the effects of PA on the brain of rodents, a computer search of MEDLINE using the terms “voluntary wheel running,” “rodents,” “depression,” and “mania” was used to produce a list of studies. Then, manual searches of key references were performed to identify additional studies. Articles met inclusion criteria if they were peer-reviewed and performed in rodent models of depression or bipolar disorder. Articles were excluded if they were reviews, conference abstracts, or expert opinions. Duplicate articles and those not available in English language were excluded also. Based on this search and subsequent screening, a total of 28 articles that spanned from 2001 to 2016 were identified. Of those studies, 20 examined the effects of PA on behavioral outcomes. Strikingly, PA mitigated adverse outcomes in 95% (19 out of 20) of the studies that utilized behavioral measures, including those that examined depressive [493508], anxiety [493, 496], and social-[495] and fear-avoidant behaviors [131, 509]. Another study reported that exercise mitigated manic-like behavior [250]. The remaining studies generally reported that exercise mitigated cognitive impairments [131, 499, 509], optimized the glucocorticoid response [500, 501, 509, 510] and neurotransmitter levels [497, 498, 511], optimized BDNF in the hippocampus [251, 493, 499, 500, 504, 505, 512, 513], increased neurogenesis [251, 502, 505, 506, 513], enhanced sleep [250, 514], and increased synaptic markers [508].

ReferencesMD modelAge (wks)Treatment modalityDuration (wks)MeasureOutcome

[496]Wistar rats exposed to chronic unpredictable stress8Voluntary wheel running4Sucrose preference,
elevated plus-maze,
elevated T-maze, and forced-swim test
Reduced depressive-like
symptoms and ↓ anxiety
symptoms in stressed rats
[499]C57BL/6 mice exposed to
chronic uncontrollable stress
8-9Voluntary wheel running4Forced swim, tail
suspension, water maze, and BDNF
Reduced depressive-like
symptoms, ↑ spatial memory,
↑ mature BDNF
[493]C57BL/6 mice exposed to
chronic uncontrollable stress
“Adult” status, but actual age not specifiedVoluntary wheel running3-4Learned helplessness, forced swim, tail
elevated plus maze, and BDNF
Reduced depressive-like
symptoms and ↓ anxiety
symptoms in wheel runners,
↑ hippocampal BDNF mRNA
[500]Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to chronic uncontrollable stressNot specifiedVoluntary wheel running4 wksSucrose preference test,
open field test, Morris
water maze, corticoste
rone, BDNF RNA, and
glucocorticoid receptor
Reduced depressive-like
symptoms, ↑ hippocampal
BDNF RNA following stress, ↓ corticosterone following stress, ↑ glucocorticoid RNA receptor following stress
[501]Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to chronic uncontrollable stress“Adult” status, but actual age not specifiedVoluntary wheel running4 wks voluntary wheel running prior to stress followed by 4 wks voluntary wheel running after stressIgM antibodies, IgG2a
antibodies, and distance ran
Voluntary wheel running
reduced stress-induced
depressive-like symptoms and
↓ stress- induced alterations in
immune function
[503]Fischer F344 rats exposed to chronic uncontrollable stress“Adult” status, but actual age not specifiedVoluntary wheel running2 and 6Freezing behavior and shuttle-box escape learning6 wks running after exposure to uncontrollable stress reduced depressive-like symptoms and
anxiety symptoms in runners
[515]Fischer F344 rats exposed to chronic uncontrollable stress8Voluntary wheel running5Social exploration, shock-elicited freezing, escape behavior,
corticosterone, and body weight
Runners exhibited ↓ body weight, ↓ anxiety and reduced
depressive-like symptoms, and ↓ corticosterone response to stress
[505]C57BL/6 mice exposed to chronic uncontrollable stress8Stressed animals with
no treatment, a dietary supplement (antioxidants),
voluntary wheel running, or both dietary supplement & free access to running wheel
4Neurogenesis, hippocampal BDNF mRNA, VGF serum, and
saccharin preference
Combination of diet and exercise
(but neither alone) reduced depressive-like symptoms, ↑
neurogenesis in dentate gyrus in
diet + exercise group, ↑ BDNF
mRNA in hippocampus of exercise + diet group, and trend towards ↑ VGF in exercise + dietary supplement group only
[506]ICR mice exposed to chronic uncontrollable stress8Treadmill running
60 min, treadmill
running + SU1498
[a VGF receptor (Flk-1)
inhibitor], and control
2Open-field test, forced swim test, open-field test, BrdU, Ki67, and CD31 immunohistochemistryTreadmill group exhibited ↑
hippocampal neurogenesis in
dentate gyrus and ↓ anxiety and
reduced depressive-like symptoms in a manner that is dependent on VEGF-Flk-1 signaling
[498]Swiss miceAge not specifiedVoluntary wheel running3Forced swim, tail
suspension, and open-field test
Reduced depressive-like symptoms, an effect that appeared related to availability of bioamines
[507]Diurnal sand rats housed in either short photoperiod (SP) (5 hr light/19 hr dark) or neutral light (12 light/12 dark)24Voluntary wheel running3Elevated plus-maze, forced-swim test, and social interaction↓ disruptions in activity rhythms
of SP/exercise animals, ↓ anxiety
and reduced depressive- like
symptoms for SP/running wheel
group, ↑ number and duration of
social interaction for SP/running
wheel group
[504]C57BL/6J mice6-7Voluntary wheel running4VGF protein, BDNF protein, plasticity genes (Egr2, Grb2, ornithine decarboxylase-1,
synapsin-1, and synCAM), forced-swim, and tail-suspension tests
Reduced depressive- like
symptoms, ↑ in VGF protein and ↑ in BDNF protein in hippocampus, altered synaptic plasticity gene profile activity
[502]Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL) rat22Administered escitalopram,
escitalopram + voluntary
wheel running, vehicle diet, or vehicle diet + voluntary wheel running
4BrdU immunohistochemistry and forced-swim test↑ in hippocampal neurogenesis in escitalopram, escitalopram + wheel running, and wheel running only, reduced depressive-like symptoms in wheel runners and escitalopram + wheel running groups
[497]SwHi rats and SwLo rats6–14Voluntary wheel running3Forced-swim testReduced depressive-like symptoms in SwLo wheel runners with concomitant ↑ galanin mRNA in locus coeruleus
[508]Sprague-Dawley rats“Adult” status, but actual age not specifiedVoluntary wheel running
wheel during CORT
voluntary wheel running
wheel prior to CORT administration; voluntary wheel running prior to and concurrent with CORT administration
2Forced-swim test,
sucrose- preference test, BrdU immunohistochemistry, synaptophysin, and BDNF
Reduced depressive-like symptoms in animals that ran prior to and concurrent with CORT administration, ↑ neurogenesis and cell survival in animals that ran prior to and concurrent with CORT administration, ↔ BDNF or IGF-1 in animals running prior to and concurrent to CORT administration, ↑ synaptophysin proteins in animals running prior to and concurrent to CORT administration
[131]Fischer 344 rats exposed to chronic uncontrollable stress“Adult” status, but actual age not specifiedTreadmills, motorized running wheels, or voluntary wheel running6Shock-elicited freezing
and shuttle-box escape
Both forced and voluntary wheel running reduced fear conditioning and ↓ cognitive impairments
[515]Fischer 344 rats exposed to chronic uncontrollable stress“Adult” status, but actual age not specifiedVoluntary wheel running6Shuttle-box escapeRunning reduced fear conditioning and cognitive learning, ↓ 5-HT2CR mRNA in basolateral amygdala and dorsal striatum
[495]C57BL/6 mice exposed to chronic social defeat stress10Voluntary wheel running<1Social-interaction test,
open-field test,
Reduced social avoidance in those that ran 2 hours after stress, ↔ anxiety levels, ↔ in depressive symptoms
[250]Myshkin mice (Myk/+)6–12Administered melatonin
or voluntary wheel running
6Open-field test, elevated plus-maze, light–dark box, accelerating rotarod, EEG and EMG recordings
during sleep, and BDNF protein
Both melatonin and PA reduced manic behaviors, melatonin ↑ sleep duration, ↔ in hippocampal BDNF mRNA following exercise
[516]C57BL/6 mice exposed to lipopolysacharide16 and 88Voluntary wheel running4 for young mice and 10 for aged miceTail-suspension, sucrose
preference, TNF-a,
IL-1B, IL-6, and IFN-γ
↔ in depressive- like behavior in presence of ↑ TNF-a, IL-1B, IL-6, and IFN-γ
[511]Fischer 344 rats exposed to acute uncontrollable stress“Adult” status, but actual age not specifiedVoluntary wheel running6-7Serotonin and dopamine in striatumRunning prevented stress-induced elevation of extracellular serotonin and potentiated dopamine concentration in the dorsal striatum
[494]Outbred Hsd:ICR mice stressed by wheel removal7–9 wksVoluntary wheel running6 daysForced swim, tail-
suspension, and
behavioral despair
High CORT males deprived access to running wheel showed ↑ depressive symptoms
[510]C57BL/6 mice exposed to chronic uncontrollable stress6Voluntary wheel running4Corticosterone and adrenal weightMore rapid corticosterone response but returned to baseline more quickly in wheel runners, ↑ adrenal weight
[513]C57BL/6 mice exposed to chronic uncontrollable stress8Voluntary wheel running3–6Corticosterone, BDNF,
neurogenesis, open-field, elevated O-maze, dark- light box, forced swim, and learned helplessness
↑ hippocampal BDNF, ↑ neurogenesis, ↑ cortico-sterone metabolites, ↑ anxiety-like behavior in novel and aversive environments
[512]Fischer F344 rats exposed to chronic uncontrollable stress“Adult” status, but actual age not specifiedVoluntary wheel running3 and 6Shuttle-box escape and conditioned fear6 wks of running ↑ hippocampal BDNF mRNA and protein
following stress
[251]C57Bl/10 mice8Voluntary wheel
running, fluoxetine,
or combination of
fluoxetine and voluntary wheel running
3BDNF, IGF-1, and BrdU
↑ in hippocampal BDNF in fluoxetine group only, and ↑ in neurogenesis with fluoxetine group only
[517]TrkBhGFAP and TrkB Nestin mice that were conditionally ablated for the gene encoding TrkB, the high affinity receptor for BDNF, in a regional and cell-type-specific mannerPostnatal day 15 and “adult” status specified, but not actual ageVoluntary wheel running6Dark light test; open-field test; forced swim test, BrdU incorporating cellsneural Progenitor cell deletion of trkB, both in embryos and in the adult, causes ↓ hippocampal
neurogenesis and ↓ behavioral
improvements following chronic antidepressant administration or wheel running
[514]F344 rats exposed to chronic uncontrollable stress8Voluntary wheel running prior to stress exposure6Sleep and temperature
↑ entrainment of sleep/wake behavior and ↓ disruption of
diurnal rhythms of sleep and
temperature following stress

PA and MDs in preclinical studies. BDNF: brain-derived neurotrophic factor; CORT: corticosterone; CUS: chronic unpredictable stress; SP: short photoperiod; STAT3: signal transducer and activator of transcription pathway 3; tx: treatment; VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor.