Clinical Study

Exercise Promotes Neuroplasticity in Both Healthy and Depressed Brains: An fMRI Pilot Study

Table 2

Results of pre-post changes for depression scores, cognitive assessment, memory performance, body mass index, and fitness.

MeasureMDDHealthyBetween-group analysis
nPremean (SD)Postmean (SD)pdnPremean (SD)Postmean (SD)pdFpdppc2

BDI841.75 (3.50)15.50 (10.43)0.00042.8985.88 (5.03)3.25 (4.53)0.0720.54530.42<0.00015.34
MOCA824.63 (1.41)25.75 (2.38)0.2290.564826.13 (3.23)27.13 (1.81)0.2860.3380.0110.9200.047
Memory task (high confidence (correct) %)871.48 (9.50)69.08 (12.03)0.3590.210875.32 (9.29)75.13 (9.07)0.9420.0200.4180.5290.230
BMI (kg/m2)828.33 (5.12)28.29 (4.48)0.9340.007828.29 (7.91)27.95 (6.61)0.5300.0230.2050.6570.044
VO2max (−1.min−1)724.82 (8.00)32.52 (10.12)0.0730.834820.81 (6.48)30.57 (8.66)0.0141.267.960.6610.279

Data are expressed as mean with SD in parentheses. BDI: Beck Depression Inventory; MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment; BMI: body mass index; VO2max: maximum oxygen consumption; d: Cohen’s d.