Clinical Study

Exercise Promotes Neuroplasticity in Both Healthy and Depressed Brains: An fMRI Pilot Study

Table 3

Brain regions showing pre-post changes in activity for the correct > incorrect, irrespective of group.

VoxelsPeak TMNI coordinatesBALocation

37−6.27−6174132Medial superior frontal/mid cingulate
35−5.85−18−108Left putamen
35−5.79−30−464440Left supramarginal/intraparietal sulcus
45−5.61−42−28353Postcentral, superior parietal gyrus
139−5.3−42−37841Left posterior insula
30−5.22−18−70477Left superior parietal
36−5.1730−2814Right posterior insula
20−4.7554−43−421Right posterior mid temporal
25−3.8212−82−718Right occipital gyrus

MNI: Montreal Neurological Institute; BA: Broadmann area.