Research Article

Sensory Eye Dominance in Treated Anisometropic Amblyopia

Figure 1

An illustration of the binocular phase combination paradigm for measuring sensory eye dominance. (a) Two horizontal sine-wave gratings with equal and opposite phase-shifts of 22.5° (relative to the center of the screen) were dichoptically presented to observers through polarized glasses; the perceived phase of the cyclopean percept was measured as a function of the interocular contrast ratio; we derived a balance point when the perceive phase was 0°, which represents the interocular contrast ratio at which the contributions of each eye are equal. (b) The phase-shift was +22.5° in the previously amblyopic eye and −22.5° in the fellow eye; similarly, the phase-shift was −22.5° in the previously amblyopic eye and +22.5° in the fellow eye. The perceived phase of the cyclopean grating at each interocular contrast ratio (δ) was quantified by half of the difference between the measured perceived phases in these two configurations.