Research Article

Corticospinal Tract Wiring and Brain Lesion Characteristics in Unilateral Cerebral Palsy: Determinants of Upper Limb Motor and Sensory Function

Table 1

Contingency table (count and percentage, descriptive statistics) of the occurrence of lesion timing, location, and extent according to the CST wiring.

CST wiring value

 Lesion timing¥PV (%)15 (88.2%)8 (50%)11 (57.9%)0.04
CSC2 (11.8)8 (50%)8 (42.1%)
 PLIC¥Not affected (%)8 (47%)1 (6%)0 (0%)<0.001
Affected9 (53%)15 (94%)19 (100%)
 Basal ganglia and thalamusMe (p25–p75)0 (0–1)1.50 (0–2.50)1 (1–2)0.006a,b
 Frontal lobeMe (p25–p75)1 (1–1)1.50 (1–2.25)1 (1–1.50)0.004a,b
 Parietal lobeMe (p25–p75)2 (1–2)2 (1.25–3)2 (2–2.50)0.09
 Ipsilesional extent (SD)5.18 (3.07)8.38 (3.95)9.05 (3.27)0.004a,b

CST: corticospinal tract; PV: periventricular; CSC: corticosubcortical; PLIC: posterior limb of the internal capsule. ¥Chi-square statistic. §Fisher’s exact test. Kruskal-Wallis test. ANOVA. aContralateral vs. ipsilateral. bContralateral vs. bilateral.