Research Article

Knock-In Mice with Myo3a Y137C Mutation Displayed Progressive Hearing Loss and Hair Cell Degeneration in the Inner Ear

Figure 1

The generation of Myo3a mutant mice using CRISPR/Cas9. (a) Schematic diagram of targeting the mouse myosin IIIA gene. sgRNA was at exon 4 (indicated by the blue rectangles). The point mutation is in red. (b) The comparison of DNA sequences between Myo3a mutant mice (now referred to as Myo3a KI/KI mice) and wild-type mice. (c) Sequence of wild-type mice, heterozygous mice, and homozygous Myo3a KI/KI mutant mice. TAT was changed to TGT, demonstrating the missense mutation at mouse Y137C. (d) Gross morphology of Myo3a KI/KI and wild-type mice at the age of two months. There was no obvious difference. (e) Cochlea morphology is normal in Myo3a mutant mice. Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining showed no prominent difference between Myo3a mutant and wide-type mice cochlear at the age of two months. Scale bar = 20 μm.