Clinical Study

Instrumental or Physical-Exercise Rehabilitation of Balance Improves Both Balance and Gait in Parkinson’s Disease

Table 1

Demographics, clinical details, and medication of the 32 patients with PD who participated in the study, divided into the two training groups: PD-E (exercises) and PD-P (platform). The two groups were homogeneous at baseline, as shown by Student’s t-test and Mann–Whitney U test.

GroupSexAge (years)Body weight (kg)Height (cm)Duration (years)MMSEHoehn–YahrUPDRS motor scoreMedication (mg/die)LED (mg)

PD-EM70761601227.03312LD (937.5), PR (2.1), RA (1)1248
M7583178423220PR (3.15), RA (1)415
M6375160429210LD (187.5), RA (1), RT (8)528
M7163167627217LD (375), PR (0.52), RA (0.5)477
W686216811302.520EN (800), LD (500), RA (0.5), RO (8), RT (4)995
M8175167826.4212LD (625), PR (0.52)677
W58531671130221EN (800), LD (656.25), PR (1.05)978
M6669166327.92.511LD (437.5), RO (24)918
M6665172627.92.521LD (125), RA (1), RO (8)385
M71651651225.42.518EN (400), LD (250), PR (2.1), RA (1)643
W51901731030219LD (312.5), PR (2.1), RA (1)623
M70761809302.522AM (50), EN (600), LD (375), PR (0.52), RA (0.5)651
M54681677302.531RA (1), RO (16)420
W72631601301.59PR (0.52)52
M6972170526.9217LD (125), RA (1), RO (10)425
M8055170828.72.513LD (500), PR (1.57), RA (2)857
M7182168125.3324PR (1.05), RA (1)205

PD-PM66851791326.92.514LD (125), PR (2.1), RA (1), RT (8)675
W677515210232.513AM (200), LD (1000), PR (0.26), RA (1), RT (8)1566
M79621701223220M (150), EN (800), LD (637.5), PR (2.1), RA (0.5)1258
W66491706272.519PR (3.41), RA (1)441
M8069160828.72.510LD (893.75), RA (1)994
M6781169330214LD (500), PR (1.57)657
M64941903302.522LD (875), PR (0.52)927
M73921721228.32.527EN (800), LD (706.25), RA (1), RT (4)1159
W62601575301.59PR (0.52), RA (1)152
W70601601030223EN (200), LD (137.5), PR (1.05), RT (8)528
M75801701027.42.524EN (600), LD (375), RO (16)819
W6665168227.92.541RA (1), RO (14)380
W7150147127.72.517RA (1), RT (6)280
W64751605302.524LD (125), PR (3.15), RA (1)540
M7299180427.4224EN (600), LD (281.25), RT (6)554
Student’s t-test0.560.580.690.920.38
Mann–Whitney’s U test0.890.330.28

SD: standard deviation; M: man; W: woman; MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination; UPDRS: Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale; AM: amantadine; EN: entacapone; LD: levodopa; PR: pramipexole; RO: ropinirole; RA: rasagiline; RT: rotigotine; LED: levodopa equivalent dose [98].