Research Article

Anatomical and Functional MRI Changes after One Year of Auditory Rehabilitation with Hearing Aids

Table 7

Regions of increased cortical thickness in the patients after HA use (PA) when compared to patients before HA use (PB). Mean cortical thickness is expressed in mm. The numbers in parentheses correspond to standard deviations. Statistical significance was based at .

Brain regionHemNvoxTalairach coordinatesBAPBPA value
Mean (SD)Mean (SD)

Inferior parietal gyrus/superior temporal gyrus/posterior insulaR3644.7−44.518.8132.57 (0.28)2.97 (0.29)0.010
Angular gyrusL31−38.6−58.929.9392.73 (0.37)3.06 (0.29)0.003

Hem = hemisphere; L = left; R = right; BA = Brodmann area; Nvox = number of voxels in the cluster; SD = standard deviation; PB = patients before HA use; PA = patients after HA use.