Research Article

Classification of Visual Cortex Plasticity Phenotypes following Treatment for Amblyopia

Figure 9

Visualizing the plasticity features and phenotypes for each subclusters. (a) We visualized the plasticity features as a stack of color-coded horizontal bars that together comprise the plasticity phenotype. The 3 grey scale bars represent the protein sums, and the 6 red-green color-coded bars represent the protein indices identified by the PCA. (b) The plasticity phenotypes were calculated for each subcluster and ordered using the same dendrogram as described in Figure 8. (c) For comparison, the plasticity phenotypes were calculated using previously published data [23] for normal development (2 – 32 wks) (d) and animals MDed from eye open until either 4, 5, 6, 9, or 32 wks.