Research Article

Effects of Mnemonic Strategy Training on Brain Activity and Cognitive Functioning of Left-Hemisphere Ischemic Stroke Patients

Table 2

MST effects on cognitive and behavioral performance of left-sided stroke patients.

PretrainingPosttrainingFDR-corrected p valueEffect size
Mean ± SD

Neuropsychological measures
HVLT-R immediate learning0.296
HVLT-R delayed recall0.003
BVMT-R immediate learning0.534
BVMT-R delayed recall0.382
Digit span forward0.368
Digit span backward0.447
Off-scan measures
FNRT—trained stimuli0.00002
FNRT—untrained stimuli0.108
SSI verbal repetition0.296
SSI visual inspection0.226
SSI autobiographical association0.773
SSI face-name association0.172
Ecological and generalization measures
SUT delayed recall0.131
SUT delayed recall strategy0.106
SUT recognition0.032
SUT recognition strategy0.080
MMQ contentment0.296
MMQ ability0.932
MMQ strategy0.845
BFNQ—name difficulties0.053
BFNQ—face difficulties0.534
BFNQ—name strategy0.055
BFNQ—face strategy0.045

Significant differences () after FDR p value correction. : matched rank biserial correlation; : Cohen’s ; HVLT-R: Revised Hopkins Verbal Learning Test; BVMT-R: Brief Visuospatial Learning Test; VST: Victoria Stroop Test; TMT: Trail Making Test; MCST: Modified Card Sorting Test; PVF: Phonemic Verbal Fluency Test; SVF: Semantic Verbal Fluency; FNRT: Face-Name Recognition Task; SSII: Spontaneous Strategy Implementation Inquiry; MMQ: Multifactorial Memory Questionnaire; BFNQ: Brief Face-Name Questionnaire; SUT: Strategy Use Task.