Research Article

Agonist-Antagonist Coactivation Enhances Corticomotor Excitability of Ankle Muscles

Figure 2

TMS-evoked MEP results for the TA muscle. The 3 columns of graphs show each of the 3 comparisons made in the current study for the TA muscle: rest versus coactivation (a), rest versus antagonist activation (b), and agonist activation versus coactivation (c). The 3 rows of graphs show 3 sets of data for each comparison: (i) MEP amplitudes, (ii) MEP change scores, and (iii) background EMG RMS value for both the agonist/target muscle (TA) and antagonist (soleus). In row (i), the box and whisker plots are shown for TA MEP amplitudes, with the group average of all subjects’ TA MEPs shown by the line plot. In row (ii), the TA MEP change score scatter plots show each individual’s change score as well as the average (group mean) change score with error bars representing the 95% CI of the mean. In row (iii), the RMS background activation for both TA and soleus muscles is plotted. indicates statistically significant differences ().