Clinical Study

The Effect of Combined Patching and Citalopram on Visual Acuity in Adults with Amblyopia: A Randomized, Crossover, Placebo-Controlled Trial

Table 1

Participant details.

Age/sexAME VA logMARFFE VA logMARTypeAME refractionFFE refractionStrabStereo (arc/sec)SuppressionHistoryBDNFFirst treatment

P143/F1.000.00Aniso-0.25+6.00/NilFullPatching age 7Val66MetPlacebo
P232/M1.20-0.04Mixed+9.75-0.25Exo12Δ, hyper 11ΔNilFullSurgery 14 yrs, patching and spectacles 10-12 yrsVal/valActive
P347/M0.64-0.10MixedPlano/+1.75Eso 10ΔNilFullSurgery 7 yrsVal/valPlacebo
P419/F0.34-0.04Aniso+3.75/+0.50/60IntermittentDetected 11 yrs patching and VTVal66MetActive
P519/M1.000.00Strab+4.50/+3.50/Eso 6ΔNilFullSpectacles and patching in childhoodVal/valActive
P630/M0.10-0.08StrabPlano/-2Exo 20ΔNilFullSurgery 2 yrs, patching in childhoodVal/valActive
P744/M0.340.00Mixed+5.25/+1.75/Exo 12ΔNilFullSurgery 2 and 10 yrs, spectacles until 15 yrs oldVal/valActive

AME: amblyopic eye; FFE: fellow fixing eye; VA: visual acuity; exo: exotropia; eso: esotropia; hyper: hypertropia; aniso: anisometropic; strab: strabismic/strabismus; VT: vision training; BDNF: brain-derived neurotrophic factor.