Clinical Study

The Effect of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Motor Symptoms in Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia

Table 2

Results of gait, strength, and spasticity measurements.

Real stimulation
Before rTMSAfter rTMSFollow-up

Ashworth prox.0.0010.018
Ashworth dist.0.8130.612
Strength prox.0.0040.198
Strength dist.0.0410.510


Sham stimulation
Before rTMSAfter rTMSFollow-up

Ashworth prox.0.5080.477
Ashworth dist.0.2360.959
Strength prox.0.9750.730
Strength dist.0.1580.272

rTMS: repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; 10MWT: 10-meter walk test; TUG: timed up and go test; Ashworth prox.: spasticity score of proximal muscles; Ashworth dist.: spasticity score of distal muscles; strength prox.: strength of proximal muscles; strength dist.: strength of distal muscles (in Newtons).