Review Article

Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) in the Normalization of Brain Activation in Patients with Neuropsychiatric Disorders: A Systematic Review of Neurophysiological and Neuroimaging Studies

Table 1

Summary of included studies.

Study [first author (year)]Patient characteristicsExperimental detailsOutcome measures
DiagnosisTotal Age groupConcurrent mediationModeMontageDuration (min)Total number of sessionsIntensity (mA)Therapy/task accompanied by tDCSModality (EEG/fMRI): paradigmBehavioral/clinical findings (; active vs. sham)Brain-behavior relationship ()

Kim (2019) [35]Schizophrenia11AdultYesExpt 1: bilateralAnode: P4
Cathode: P3
2012NilfMRI: illness awareness taskfMRI illness awareness task
(i) Level of insight: n.s.
Correlations between interhemispheric imbalance in CBF and clinical scores: n.s.
11Expt 2: bilateralAnode: F4
Cathode: F3
3012NilfMRI: illness awareness task
Orlov (2017) [45]Schizophrenia24AdultYesAnodalAnode: F3
Cathode: Fp2
3012Working memory task (-back)fMRI: working memory task (-back)fMRI -back task
(i) RT: n.s.
Significant correlation between the 2-/3-back performance 1 day after tDCS and the increased activation in L DLPFC ()
Stroop taskfMRI: stroop taskfMRI stroop task
(i) ACC: n.s.
Significant correlation between accuracy performance in the incongruent condition activation in the ACC ()
Rassovsky (2018) [46]Schizophrenia37AdultYesExpt 1: anodalAnode: F3
2022NilEEG: auditory oddball taskClinical assessment performance (ACC)
(i) Speed of processing: n.s.
(ii) Working memory: n.s.
(iii) Verbal memory: n.s.
Reasoning and problem solving: n.s.
Correlation between EEG results from the active group and cognitive scores: n.s.
EEG: emotion recognition task
37Expt 2: cathodalCathode: F3
Anode: Fp2
2022NilEEG: auditory oddball task
EEG: Emotion recognition task
Reinhart (2015) [47]Schizophrenia17AdultYesAnodalAnode: FCz
Cathode: R cheek
2011.5NilEEG: feedback-based learning taskEEG feedback-based learning task
(i) RT: n.s.
Gain in ERN amplitude correlated with lower delusion score ()
Dunn (2016) [48]Schizophrenia24AdultYesExpt 1: anodalAnode: Fp1, Fp2
Cathode: R upper arm
2021NilEEG: auditory oddball taskNot statedNot stated
EEG: passive attention auditory duration deviant paradigm
24Expt 2: cathodalCathode: Fp1, Fp2
Anode: R upper arm
2021NilEEG: auditory oddball task
EEG: passive attention auditory duration deviant paradigm
Impey (2017) [43]Schizophrenia12AdultYesExpt 1: anodalAnode: between C5 and T7
Cathodal: Fp2
2012NilEEG: auditory oddball taskBehavioral working memory task (2-back)
(i) RT: n.s.
(ii) ACC: n.s.
Not stated
12Expt 2: anodalAnode: F3
Cathode: Fp2
2012NilBehavioral working memory task (2-back)
(i) RT: ()
(ii) ACC: ()
Greater frontal MMN change correlated with faster RT ()
Knechtel (2014) [49]Schizophrenia14AdultYesAnodalAnode: F3
Cathode: Fp2
2012NilEEG: go/no-go taskEEG go/no-go task
(i) ACC: n.s.
Not stated
Substance abuse
Mondino (2018) [50]Tobacco abuse24AdultNoAnodalAnode: between F4 and Fp2
Cathode: between O1 and T5
20101NilfMRI: visual oddball task (smoking-related vs. neutral)Reduction in craving: ()R PCC increase in activation does not correlate with changes in cigarette consumption: n.s.
den Uyl (2016) [44]Alcohol abuse39AdultNoAnodalAnode: F3
Cathode: Fp2
1531NilEEG: visual oddball task (alcohol-related image vs. neutral image)Reduction in craving: n.s.Not stated
Conti (2014) [51]Crack-cocaine abuse13AdultNoBilateralAnode: F4
Cathode: F3
2011NilEEG: visual oddball task (crack-related image vs. neutral image)Not statedNot stated
Nord (2019) [52]Depression39AdultNoAnodalAnode: F3
L deltoid
208160-minute cognitive behavioral therapy with senior CP (symptom relief)fMRI: working memory task (-back)fMRI -back task:
(i) RT: n.s.
(ii) ACC: n.s.
Correlation between increased bilateral DLPFC activation and -back improvement: n.s.
fMRI: emotional processing task(i) fMRI emotional processing task
(ii) ACC: n.s.
Correlation between amygdala activation and emotional processing task: n.s.
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Sotnikova (2017) [53]Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder16AdolescentNoAnodalAnode: F3
Cathode: Cz
2011Working memory task (-back)fMRI: working memory task (-back)fMRI -back task ACC: <0.05 ()Not stated
Breitling (2020) [54]Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder15AdolescentNoExpt 1: anodalAnode: F8
Cathode: Fp1
2011Working memory task (-back)EEG: working memory (-back)EEG -back task
(i) ACC: n.s.
(ii) RT: n.s.
Not stated
15Expt 1: anodal (HD-tDCS)Anode: F8 with 4 surrounding cathodes2010.5Working memory task (-back)EEG -back task
(i) ACC: n.s.
(ii) RT: n.s.
Rahimi (2019) [42]Dyslexia17ChildrenNoExpt 1: anodalAnode: T7
Cathode: R shoulder
2011NilEEG: gap detection task(i) EEG gap detection task temporal perception: ()Not stated
17Expt 2: bilateralAnode: T7
Cathode: T8
2011Nil(i) EEG gap detection task ACC: ()
Neurodegenerative disorders
Das (2019) [55]Mild cognitive impairment16ElderlyNoAnodalAnode: F7
Cathode: R shoulder
2082Reasoning and inferencing strategy trainingfMRI: restingClinical assessment performance (ACC)
(i) Task switching: ()
(ii) Strategic learning: ()
(iii) Episodic memory: ()
Correlation between regional CBF and clinical improvement: n.s.
Meinzer (2015) [33]Mild cognitive impairment18ElderlyNoAnodalAnode: F7
Cathode: Fp2
2011Semantic memory taskfMRI semantic word retrieval taskfMRI semantic word retrieval task
(i) ACC: ()
Correlation between changes in activation and reduction in errors: n.s.

Mode of stimulation was classified based on a previously published framework [56]. Montage location was reported according to the EEG 10-20 system; the anatomical positions were reported for extracephalic montage. Expt: experiment; : number of participants; EEG: electroencephalography; fMRI: functional magnetic resonance imaging; L: left; R: right; n.s.: nonsignificant (at significance level); RT: reaction time; ACC: accuracy; ACC: anterior cingulate gyrus; PCC: posterior cingulate cortex; DLPFC: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; ERN: event-related negativity; MMN: mismatch negativity; HD-tDCS: high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation; CBF: cerebral blood flow.