Research Article

[Retracted] Molecular Basis of GABA Hypofunction in Adolescent Schizophrenia-Like Animals

Figure 3

Overview of the altered proteome of PFC in adolescent mice by data-independent UDMSE approach. (a) Schematic diagram of data-independent proteomic acquisition. Saline or MK-801-treated mice were sacrificed on ~PND 30. The PFC was dissected for trypsin digestion and a 120 min gradient LC-MS acquisition. Duplicate technical replicates were performed for each sample. of the saline group and of the MK801 group. (b) 4833 proteins were identified, and only 3222 of them that the CV value of across all samples were used for subsequent analysis. (c) Volcano plot of significantly expressed proteins, , adjusted . (d) Hierarchical clustering of significant proteins. Each square represents one sample. Red: upregulated. Blue: downregulated. Protein’s intensity was scaled across all samples and displayed as score. (e) The top GO enrichment of biological function of all significant proteins. Circle size represents the protein numbers in each item. value was adjusted by FDR correction.