Review Article

Symptomatic Therapy and Rehabilitation in Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

Table 5

Frequency of limitations reported by persons with MS (N = 101) linked with ICF categories for the components: body function, body structure, activity and participation, and environmental factors (those reported by at least one third of MS patients are listed below).

ICF codeChapter titleICF code descriptionTotal number of participants linked responses. n, %Number of participant and stage of disease

Body function

b130Global mental functionsEnergy and drive functions98, 97.035126147
b134Sleep84, 83.174721115
b140Specific mental functionsAttention66, 65.35371793
b144Memory62, 61.39371645
b152Emotional functions97, 96.045026147
b210Seeing and related functionsSeeing47, 46.53241643
b235Hearing vestibularVestibular (incl. balance functions)71, 70.303419135
b265Sensory functionsTouch34, 33.66151072
b280PainSensation of pain76, 75.253919126
B455CVS and respiratory functionsExercise tolerance functions*97, 96.045027137
b525Digestive systemDefecation89, 88.124921145
b620Urinary functionsUrination functions94, 93.075024137
b640Genital and reproductiveSexual functions57, 56.44321573
b730Muscle functionsMuscle power96, 95.055027136
b735Muscle tone94, 93.075026135
b740Muscle endurance function*93, 92.084925127
b760Movement functionsControl of voluntary movement functions*66, 65.35371883
b770Gait pattern functions*99, 98.025127138

Body Structure

s110Nervous systemBrain100, 99.015028148
s610Genitourinary systemUrinary system93, 92.084925127
s730Structures related to movementUpper extremity (arm, hand)44, 43.56251072
s750Lower extremity (leg, foot)97, 96.044927147
s760Trunk85, 84.164423126

Activities and participation

d160Applying knowledgeFocussing attention70, 69.31391696
d175Solving problems34, 33.6622822
d177Making decisions59, 58.42351653
d220General tasks and demandsUndertaking multiple tasks88, 87.134724125
d230Carrying out daily routine80, 79.214817105
d240Handling stress and other psychological demands101, 100.005128148
d430MobilityLifting and carrying objects53, 52.48301283
d440Fine hand use (picking up, grasping)51, 50.50261393
d445Hand and arm use37, 36.6321943
d450Walking101, 100.005128148
d455Moving around*99, 98.025127147
d465Moving around and using equipment (wheelchair, skates, etc.)98, 97.035027147
d470Using transportation (car, bus, train, plane, etc.)100, 99.015127148
d475Driving (riding bicycle and motorbike, driving car etc.)99, 98.025127147
d510Self careWashing oneself (bathing, drying, washing hands, etc.)41, 40.5926942
d520Caring for body parts (brushing teeth, shaving, grooming, etc.)40, 39.6024853
d570Looking after one’s health88, 87.134723144
d620Domestic lifeAcquisition of goods and services (shopping, etc.)92, 91.095024126
d630Preparation of meals (cooking etc.)89, 88.124824125
d640Doing housework (cleaning washing, laundry, and ironing)94, 93.075123146
d650Caring for household objects*84, 83.174622124
d660Assisting others87, 86.144822134
d750Interpersonal relationshipsInformal social relationships35, 34.65191222
d760Family relationships73, 72.284216114
d770Intimate relationships61, 60.40351574
d845WorkAcquiring keeping and terminating a job*73, 72.283919114
d850Remunerative employment90, 89.114524138
d870Economic lifeEconomic self-sufficiency84, 83.174422135
d910Community lifeCommunity Life79, 78.224021135
d920Recreation and leisure97, 96.045026147

Environmental Factors

e110Products and technologyFor personal consumption (food, medicines)101, 100.005128148
e120For personal indoor and outdoor mobility and transportation91, 90.104725127
e150Design, construction and building products and technology of buildings for public use70, 69.31391894
e210Natural environmentPhysical geography*39, 38.61211152
e225Climate99, 98.025028147
e310Support and relationshipsImmediate family45, 44.5527972
e315Extended family*42, 41.5826934
e460AttitudesSocietal attitudes31, 30.6913954
e540Services, systems, and policiesTransportation services, systems and policies68, 67.33381785
e580Health services, systems and policies79, 78.224518115

(Adapted from Khan and Pallant [19].)