Research Article

Subarachnoid Transplant of the Human Neuronal hNT2.19 Serotonergic Cell Line Attenuates Behavioral Hypersensitivity without Affecting Motor Dysfunction after Severe Contusive Spinal Cord Injury

Figure 5

The hNT2.19 cell line expresses a 5HT phenotype with differentiation in vitro. The hNT2.19 cell line was treated for two weeks with retinoic acid and mitotic inhibitors and lifted to substrate-coated 8-well plastic TC slides for differentiation and immunohistochemistry for 5HT. All the hNT2.19 cells stain very brightly for the neurotransmitter 5HT (a, b). Both the cell soma and extending fibers contain a strong 5HT signal. As the fibers extend during differentiation, the fiber 5HT signal becomes concentrated, punctate-like, in bouton-like structures, as early as 2 wks in vitro (b). The negative control hNT2.6 cell line is seen in (c) after an anti-5HT immunostain; no 5HT signal is seen. Magnification bar = 20 nm, (a–c).