Research Article

Spinal Nerves Schwannomas: Experience on 367 Cases—Historic Overview on How Clinical, Radiological, and Surgical Practices Have Changed over a Course of 60 Years

Table 2

Sites of origin and surgical approaches used for our patients.

Sites Number of patientsSurgical approach
Posterior laminectomy/laminotomyFar lateral approach to CCJAnterior lateral approach to cervical regionTranspedicular approachCostotransversectomyTransthoracic

Craniocervical junction (C0–C2)190190000
Cervical tract (C3–C7)857906000
Cervicothoracic junction (C7-T1)201800002
Thoracic tract (T1–T12)1069700541
Thoracolumbar junction (T12-L1)232100200
Lumbar tract (L1-S3)11411400000
