Review Article

Self-Management in Daily Life with Psoriasis: An Integrative Review of Patient Needs for Structured Education

Table 3

Themes, clusters and verification of findings.


Visibility of diseaseDisease-specific factors[37, 38, 45, 4749, 5154]
Onset time
Fluctuating nature of disease
Physical symptoms: itch, pain, discomfortSelf-experienced burden of disease (physical)[37, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45, 4755]
Bodily suffering
Disease impact on self-conceptSelf-experienced burden of disease (psychological)
Psychological impact of disease
Disease as a psychological burden
Disease impact on family and partnerSelf-experienced burden of disease (social)
Disease impact on daily life
Personal coping strategiesPersonal factors[3746, 49, 51, 53]
Personal factors, illness perception
Personal factors, partner, family and network