Review Article

Application of Nursing Process and Its Affecting Factors among Nurses Working in Mekelle Zone Hospitals, Northern Ethiopia

Table 2

The attitudes of the respondents towards the nursing process in Mekelle Zone Hospitals, northern Ethiopia, March 2011 ( ).

Variables Strongly agreeAgree I do not knowDisagreeStrongly disagree

I like the aim of nursing process7437.011658.042.010.552.5
I am convinced the NP will work if applied in patient care5527.512261.0115.584.042.0
The nursing process is an elaborated Kardex system2412.07738.54221.05025.073.5
The nursing process should be used by BSc and above nurses only136.54321.5178.59748.53015.0
The nursing process works well in practice4824.011055.0189.0136.5115.5
The nursing process can be used in any settings 3819.010753.52814.02110.563.0
There is no enough time to apply NP during pt care4924.56130.5157.55326.52211.0
Nursing process is a waste of time3517.55125.52512.55829.03115.5
I am ready for the application of nursing process3417.012964.5199.594.594.5
The Kardex system of nursing record is unsatisfactory2010.09748.53417.02814.02110.5
The NP simplifies the awareness of pt needs4522.512361.5147.0126.063.0
Priorities of care are easy to identify using NP5427.012462.0157.573.500
I am fed up with hearing about the nursing process2613.07638.04120.54924.584.0
The nursing process involves too much of paper work189.06130.52311.57437.02412.0
NP enable nurses to provide quality of nursing care to pts5427.012261.0105.0105.042.0
I am willing to apply nursing process during pt care5125.512361.5136.573.563.0
I think introduction of NP will cause a problem63.02512.54522.59447.03015.0
I think pts will not like to be cared for using the NP73.5189.04522.510251.02814.0
I think the nursing staff have no willingness to apply NP136.53819.03819.09045.02110.5
I think the staff will never accept the nursing process2010.02512.53115.59949.52512.5