Research Article

Work Interruption Experienced by Nurses during Medication Administration Process and Associated Factors, Northwest Ethiopia

Table 2

Participants’ frequency and percentage distribution of work interruptions during the phases of medication administration process.

Phase of MAP
(in which WIs occur)
Work interruptions
(by main severity category)

Preadministratio371 (32.2)394 (34.2)765 (66.4)
Administratio45 (3.9)69 (6.0)114 (9.9)
Postadministratio157 (13.6)116 (10.1)273 (23.7)
Overall, (%)573 (49.7)579 (50.3)1152 (100.0)

reparation and verification of the medication. elivering the medication to the patient. ocumentation, clarification, and in-transit medication management: between one medication and another, or between one patient’s medication activity and another.