Research Article

Prevalence and Severity of Menopausal Symptoms and the Quality of Life in Middle-aged Women: A Study from Sri Lanka

Table 5

Correlation between QOL and evaluated variables of pre- and postmenopausal women (n=350).

Variable Premenopausal women (n=184)Postmenopausal women (n=166)
Correlation coefficientCorrelation coefficient

Ethnicity -0.004 (ns)0.01 (ns)

Educational status0.11 (ns)0.14 (ns)

Employment status-0.02 (ns)0.14 (ns)

Civil status-0.10 (ns)-0.08 (ns)

Monthly income0.10 (ns)0.24

Living companion0.13 (ns)0.03 (ns)

Parity0.08 (ns)-0.21

Mode of delivery-0.10 (ns)0.01 (ns)

Psychological symptoms score -0.56-0.47

Somatovegetative symptoms score -0.50-0.49

Urogenital symptoms score -0.22-0.27

Overall MRS score -0.56-0.52

Age (years)-0.04 (ns)-0.09 (ns)

BMI (kg/m2)-0.06 (ns)-0.05 (ns)

WHR 0.02 (ns)-0.08 (ns)

Walking score (MET/min/week)0.03 (ns)0.14 (ns)

Moderate physical activities score (MET/min/week)0.14 (ns)0.26

Vigorous physical activities score (MET/min/week)0.05 (ns)0.19

Total physical activity score (MET/min/week)0.09 (ns)0.27

MRS=menopause rating scale, BMI=body mass index, WHR=waist to hip ratio, ns=not significant.
Correlations were Pearson correlation ) or Spearman rank order correlation ) or point biserial correlation ).
Correlations were significant at <0.001, <0.01 and <0.05.