Research Article

How to Measure “Short-Term Hormonal Effects”?

Table 1

Conceptual framework and grouping of the complaints or symptoms possibly relevant for measuring short-term effects of hormones (raw scale). These “multicausal symptoms” were arbitrarily allocated to one of the five groups, that is, the groups are not mutually exclusive.

Groups where symptoms or complaints might be related to

Psychological complaints Somato-vegetative complaintsMenstrual, abdominal disturbancesSexually related symptomsProblems with hormone-sensitive Organs

Total number of symptoms1058137

Listing of items of the raw scaleReduced general well-beingEpisodes of sudden sweatingAbdominal boating or swellingReduced sexual desire / libidoBreast tenderness or pain
Depressive moodIncreased appetite, food cravingAbdominal painReduced enjoyment of books or movies associated with sexTemporary weight gain
Sensation of lonelinessNausea, dizzinessCramps of guts or bladderLess sexual fantasies/ thoughtsSwelling of extremities
Easily anxiousJoint and muscular discomfortCyclic bleeding from guts or bladderSexual life less enjoyable/ satisfyingGreasy skin or acne
Feeling worriedHeart discomfortIrregular menstrual bleedingLess satisfaction / enjoyment with sexual actHair disorders or problems
Restlessness or irritabilityStrong menstrual bleedingReduced vaginal lubrication during sexUnexpected growth of body or facial hair
Physical exhaustionPainful menstrual periodReduced sexual arousalSuffering from cellulite
Impaired capacity to concentrateSignificant premenstrual complaints that improve when menstrual flow beganLess sexual activity
Impaired memoryLower frequency of orgasm
Sleep problemsLess satisfaction with orgasm
Pain during or after sex
Bladder problems
Dryness or burning vagina