Clinical Study

The Abandoned Radical Hysterectomy for Cervical Cancer: Clinical Predictors and Outcomes

Table 3

Summary of published reports of abandoned hysterectomy.

AuthorStageNMorbidity RecurrenceSurvival

Potter et al. [9]IB-IIA157%53%45%–50%
Hopkins and Morley [20]IB-IIA1416%NR50%
Bremer et al. [21]IB-IIA2645%39%61%
Whitney and Stehman [22]IB6819%65%31%
Leath et al. [23]IB-IIA2334%26%83%
Suprasert et al. [24]IB-IIA2348%26%59%
Richard et al. [10]IB55NRNR71%
Gray 2010IB-IIA1926%37%73%

Total Abandoned2437%–48%26%–65%31%–83%

Morbidities are combination of surgical-and-radiation related.