Clinical Study

Cornual Polyps of the Fallopian Tube Are Associated with Endometriosis and Anovulation

Table 1

Clinical characteristics of infertile women with large cornual polyps.

Case Age in years Duration of infertility (months) Polyp(s) size (mm) Uterine cavity (HSG) Anovulation Endometriosis ASRM stage endometriosis

1 34 59 Bilateral Normal Yes No N/Aa
2 27 12 Bilateral Normal No Yes 1
3 37 60 Right: Left: Polyp No Yes 1
4 40 84 Right: Left: Endometrial polyp Yes Yes 1
5 26 20 Right: Left Prominent endometrial folds Yes Yes 1
6 28 59 Bilateral Endometrial polyps, endometrial fold No No N/Aa
7 30 28 Right: Left: Prominent endometrial fold Yes No N/Aa

a N/A: not applicable.