Review Article

Practical Advice for Emergency IUD Contraception in Young Women

Table 2

Short questionnaire to help select the EC method for the individual patient.


() Which contraceptive method did you use up to now?The pill, contraceptive patch, and the vaginal ring have a typical failure rate of 9% during the first year of use.
() When did your last menstrual period start?Calculating the expected date of ovulation is important to select the EC method.
() When did you have unprotected sex?All oral EC methods can be used up to day 10–12 of the menstrual cycle with preference for UPA close to ovulation. Oral ECs may not be safe 1 or 2 days before ovulation and are not effective after ovulation.
() Do you want to use a long-acting method of contraception?An IUD should be the method of choice because of its high EC efficacy and ongoing protection.
() Do you have a stable relationship?Women in a stable relationship have a low risk whilst women having sexual relations with different partners over the last month are at higher risk.
() Have you been treated for a sexually transmitted disease over the past 3 months?IUD insertion may be performed immediately following screening tests and antibiotics should be prescribed if tests are positive.