Research Article

Role of Oxidative Stress in Transformation Induced by Metal Mixture

Table 1

Transforming potential through initiation phase.

Initiation phase
DayTreatmentaViability (%)bDish with foci/dish scoredcNo. of transformed foci/dishTPd

1Control100 ± 5.54/61.8 ± 0.051 ± 0.27
MNNG + TPA96 ± 4.86/662.25 ± 9.9***35.37 ± 5.6***
Metal mixture + TPA100 ± 1.76/633.75 ± 11.6***18.41 ± 6.3***
MNNG + metal mixture96 ± 4.86/623 ± 7.7***2.61 ± 0.88
Metal mixture + metal mixture100 ± 1.76/629.5 ± 5.7***3.22 ± 0.62
4Control100 ± 0.04/61.8 ± 0.051 ± 0.27
MNNG + TPA89 ± 5.86/662.25 ± 9.9***22.7 ± 3.6***
Metal mixture + TPA89 ± 9.16/633.75 ± 11.6***12.4 ± 4.2***
MNNG + metal mixture89 ± 5.86/623 ± 7.7***3.2 ± 1.1
Metal mixture + metal mixture89 ± 9.16/629.5 ± 5.7***1.9 ± 0.4
7Control100 ± 0.254/61.8 ± 0.051 ± 0.27
MNNG + TPA83 ± 2.8**6/662.25 ± 9.9***83.5 ± 13.4***
Metal mixture + TPA93 ± 0.12**6/633.75 ± 11.6***66.5 ± 22.8***
MNNG + metal mixture83 ± 2.8**6/623 ± 7.7***6.2 ± 2.1*
Metal mixture + metal mixture93 ± 0.12**6/629.5 ± 5.7***9.4 ± 1.8*

a Treatments were added at concentrations of MNNG 0.5  g/mL, TPA 0.1  g/mL, and metal mixture (As 2  M, Cd 2  M, and Pb 5  M); bpercentage with respect to controls; c two experiments with three biological replicates; dtransforming potential (TP) calculated as number of transformed foci type III per dish/surviving cells at corresponding sampling day. Statistical analysis, Student’s t-test value *< 0.05, **< 0.01, and ***< 0.001.