Research Article

Heterogeneous Responses to Antioxidants in Noradrenergic Neurons of the Locus Coeruleus Indicate Differing Susceptibility to Free Radical Content

Figure 3

Impact of DTT treatment in the pacemaker process of LC neurons. (a) Table demonstrating the effect of 1 mM DTT in the spontaneous firing of LC neurons and comparison of values obtained for AP before (ACSF) and 180 s after 1 mM DTT treatment ( for spontaneous firing and for AP comparison). (b) Averaged APs demonstrating comparison before (ACSF) and after 180 s after 1 mM DDT treatment ( ). Hyperpolarizing group was excluded from comparison demonstrated in (a) and (b) due to lack of APs at 180 s treatment. (c) and (d), Example for recordings demonstrating the two minor effects induced by 1 mM DTT where neurons hyperpolarized and ceased firing (c) and stopped firing without hyperpolarization (d) ( ).