Review Article

Plasma Lipoproteins as Mediators of the Oxidative Stress Induced by UV Light in Human Skin: A Review of Biochemical and Biophysical Studies on Mechanisms of Apolipoprotein Alteration, Lipid Peroxidation, and Associated Skin Cell Responses

Figure 4

Time courses of Car and αTocOH consumption. Lower time scale: carotenoid consumption during Cu2+-catalyzed oxidation of 240 nM of LDL in the absence (⚫) or presence (■) of 0.75 μM quercetin. Upper time scale: Car (□, ∆) or αTocOH (⚪,   ▽) consumption under irradiation of 400 nM of LDL with UVB (□,  ⚪) or UVA (∆,  ▽). Drawn from data in [14, 28].