Research Article

Thiol Redox Sensitivity of Two Key Enzymes of Heme Biosynthesis and Pentose Phosphate Pathways: Uroporphyrinogen Decarboxylase and Transketolase

Figure 3

Redox interconversion of Hem12p. Hem12p was initially reduced with TCEP followed by either incubation with NEM (sample 1), incubation with GSSG followed by NEM (sample 2), incubation with GSSG followed by Grx2p system, and then NEM (sample 3). Progenesis quantification of modified thiol groups was carried out using the signal intensity of parent ions for the treated recombinant protein. Recombinant protein quantification for each treatment is normalized to all peptides detected and quantified for the recombinant protein (see Supplementary Information available online at for further description of the method).