Research Article

Oxidative Modification of Proteins in Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis with Bacterial Infections

Table 2

Clinical characteristics and oxidative stress markers of the patients studied.

Parameter Healthy subjects Pseudomonas aeruginosa Staphylococcus aureus

Relative fluorimetric results
 AGE (a.u./mg protein)

 Dityrosine (a.u./mg protein)


 Formylkynurenine (a.u./mg protein)


 Kynurenine (a.u./mg protein)


 Tryptophan (a.u./mg protein)


Modification of proteins
 Carbonyl protein (nmol/mg protein)


 Thiol groups (nmol/mg protein)


 AOPP (nmol/mg protein)


 Amadori products (nmol/mg protein)


Activity of erythrocyte enzymes
 Glutathione S-transferase (U/g Hb)


 Catalase (U/mg Hb)


 Superoxide dismutase (U/g Hb)


 Total antioxidant capacity (nmol/mg protein)


 Level of nitric oxide eNO (ppb)



Data are shown as means ± SD (range).