Review Article

Antioxidant Strategies and Respiratory Disease of the Preterm Newborn: An Update

Table 1

Exogenous administration of rhSOD to preterm newborns with RDS.

Eligible populationAdministration details Outcomes Reference

Preterm infants
BW 750–1250 g
<24 hrs of life
( )
Route: ET
Dose: 0.5 mg/Kg or 5 mg/Kg or saline, within 30 mins of surfactant, single dose
Reduced neutrophils chemotactic activity and albumin in tracheal aspirates in the high dose treatment group versus low dose or saline.[39]

Preterm infants
BW 700–1300 g
<24 hrs of life
( )
Route: ET
Dose: 2.5 mg/Kg or 5 mg/Kg or saline, within 2 hrs of surfactant, up to 7 doses
Reduced neutrophils chemotactic activity and albumin in tracheal aspirates in the treatment groups versus saline.
No difference in BPD.

Long-term follow up of preterm infants enrolled in [39, 40]
( )
As in [39, 40]No difference in neurodevelopmental disorder or chronic respiratory disorders at median of 28 months of corrected age.[41]

Preterm infants
BW 600–1200 g
<24 hrs of life
( )
Route: ET
Dose: 5 mg/Kg or saline,
within 0.5–4 hrs of surfactant, repeated every 48 hrs until 28 days
No difference in BPD rate, days of mechanical ventilation, and oxygen requirement.
Reduced episodes of wheezing requiring bronchodilators or steroids in the treatment groups versus saline at 1-year follow-up.

BW: birth weight; ET: endotracheal.