Review Article

Tau Hyperphosphorylation and Oxidative Stress, a Critical Vicious Circle in Neurodegenerative Tauopathies?

Figure 1

The MAPT gene, the variable exons, and the six tau isoforms in the adult human brain generated by alternative splicing. The constitutively spliced exons are shown in beige. E0, E4a, E6, E8, and E14 are not transcribed in human brain. Alternative mRNA splicing of E2 (green), E3 (yellow), and E10 (red) generates six tau isoforms ranging from 352 to 441 aminoacids. Three isoforms have four repeats each (4 repeat) and three isoforms have three repeats each (3 repeat). The repeats are shown with R (R1 to R4). The exons and introns are not shown to scale.