Research Article

Reactive Oxygen Species Are Required for Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Initiate Proliferation after the Quiescence Exit

Figure 2

Modulation of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) flux, preceding the transition to the S-phase of the cell cycle in the synchronized endometrial mesenchymal stem cells. (a) Time evolution of the cell cycle distribution after activation of proliferation in the cell culture synchronized by 24-hour serum starvation; (b) flow cytometry histograms of carboxy-H2DCF-DA cell fluorescence at different time points after activation of the cell proliferation; (c) dynamics of the ROS level and the S-phase cell fraction after activation of the cell proliferation; data are presented as mean ± SD (). aFL: autofluorescence;  h: the moment of the activation of the cell proliferation; ROS level is expressed in arbitrary units , where is a measured carboxy-H2DCF-DA signal, and is a background autofluorescence signal.