Review Article

Biomarkers of Dietary Polyphenols in Cancer Studies: Current Evidence and Beyond

Table 1

Epidemiological studies/clinical trials employed biomarkers of polyphenol exposure.

ReferenceLocationTypes of studyCancer typeNumber of subjectsPolyphenolPlasma level1
Urinary excretion1
nmol/mg creatinine2

[35] Australia Case-control Breast cancer Cases: 144
Controls: 144
Equolnmol/24 h 
  Cases: 97
  Controls: 108.8
Daidzeinnmol/24 h
  Cases: 782.9
  Controls: 913.4

[36]NetherlandNested case-controlBreast cancerCases: 88
Controls: 268
GenisteinCases: 0.70
Controls: 0.81

[37]GermanyCase-controlBreast cancerCases: 220
Controls: 237
GenisteinCases: 4.5
Controls: 3.7

[38]NetherlandNested case-controlBreast cancerCases: 383
Controls: 383
DaidzeinCases: 9.20–11.25
Controls: 10.31–12.86

[39] UK Nested case-control Breast cancerPlasma 
  Cases: 97
  Controls: 187

All: 8.7 
All: 12.9
All: 0.60 

All: 0.23
  Cases: 114
  Controls: 219
EquolAll: 0.4All: 0.0036

[40] China Nested case-control Breast cancer Cases: 60
Controls: 60
DaidzeinCases: 2.15
Controls: 108.8
GenisteinCases: 0.76
Controls: 2.17

[41] China Nested case-control Breast cancer Cases: 250
Controls: 250
  Cases: 4.95
  Controls: 9.90
  Cases: 2.19
  Controls: 4.37

[42] Japan Nested case-control Breast cancer Cases: 144
Controls: 288
DaidzeinCases: 65.7
Controls: 70.4
GenisteinCases: 487.7
Controls: 534.7

[43] Japan Nested case-control Prostate cancer Cases: 201
Controls: 402
DaidzeinCases: 145.5
Controls: 139.6
GenisteinCases: 330.4
Controls: 319.0
EquolCases: 65.7
Controls: 70.4

[44]UKNested case-controlProstate cancerCases: 193
Controls: 828
All: 9.8
All: 25.5
All: 0.51
All: 0.25
EquolAll: 0.04 All: 0.009

[45]EUNested case-controlProstate cancerCases: 950
Controls: 1042
All: 4.3
All: 6.7
EquolAll: 0.8

[46] US Nested case-control Prostate cancer Cases: 249
Controls: 404
DaidzeinCases: 0.173
Controls: 0.291
GenisteinCases: 0.048
Controls: 0.078
EquolCases: 0.005
Controls: 0.004

[47] Jamaica Case-control Prostate cancer Cases: 175
Controls: 194
DaidzeinCases: 0.199
Controls: 0.221
GenisteinCases: 0.280
Controls: 0.273
EquolCases: 0.072
Controls: 0.067

[48]USClinical trialProstate cancerCatechin

[49] China Nested case-control Colorectal cancer Cases: 162
Controls: 806
EGCGeometric mean 
  Nondrinker: 1.11
  Tea drinkers: −4.47
4′-MeEGCGeometric mean 
  Nondrinker: 4.30
  Tea drinkers: −17.40

[44]UKNested case-controlColorectal cancerCases: 221
Controls: 889
All: 8.7
All: 23.1
All: 0.53
All: 0.20
EquolAll: 0.04 All: 0.002

[50]ChinaNested case-controlGastric cancerCases: 190
Controls: 772

[51]KoreaNested case-controlGastric cancerCases: 131
Controls: 393
DaidzeinCases: 80.5
Controls: 131.2

[52] Japan Nested case-control Gastric cancer Cases: 483
Controls: 483
DaidzeinCases: ~161
Controls: ~155
GenisteinCases: 17
Controls: 18

[50]ChinaNested case-controlEsophageal cancerCases: 42
Controls: 772
Catechins  Unclear

[53] Japan Nested case-control Lung cancer Cases: 126
Controls: 252
DaidzeinCases: 115.2
Controls: 125.1
GenisteinCases: 266.4
Controls: 267.9
EquolCases: 11.6
Controls: 14.4

[54]ChinaClinical trialLiver cancerCatechin

All values are median, unless otherwise noted.
2All units are nmol/mg creatinine, unless otherwise noted.