Research Article

Antioxidants and Quality of Aging: Further Evidences for a Major Role of TXNRD1 Gene Variability on Physical Performance at Old Age

Table 4

Results of the RobustSNP association test with longevity in the analyzed sample.

SNP MAF-score theop

rs7310815G = 0.1070.9000.367 (D)0.602
rs4964728G = 0.203−2.0370.041 (A)0.087
rs7310505A = 0.260−1.7950.072 (A)0.147
rs10778318A = 0.333−0.3300.741 (D)0.932
rs11111979C = 0.4540.6260.530 (R)0.778
rs1128446G = 0.2201.0790.280 (D)0.485
rs17202060T = 0.3831.2830.199 (R)0.361
rs10861203A = 0.2520.3980.690 (A)0.904

Model refers to the most likely genetic model among the dominant, recessive, and additive ones. refers to the value for the most likely genetic model. theop refers to the value adjusted for multiple comparisons (due to the three different tested genetic models).
-score represents the -statistics for the regression analyses; the variable sex was considered a covariate.
MAF: minor allele frequency.