Review Article

Lipids and Oxidative Stress Associated with Ethanol-Induced Neurological Damage

Table 1

Summary of the neurological effects induced by in vivo ethanol administration at different ages.

Age of exposureSpecies (model)Frequency of administrationStructural CNS changesBehavioral, intellectual, or other effectsReferences

PrenatalRatChronicReduced number of neurons and dendritic spines in the hippocampus and pyramidal tractsMemory, spatial learning[22]
The cerebellum is most sensitive to alcohol-induced Purkinje cell lossCerebellar disorders (ataxia, cognitive, behavioral, and affective disturbances)[23, 24]
Cholinergic neurons lossSpontaneous alternation, spatial working memory[25, 26]
HumanChronicReduction in gray and white matter in the hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, caudate, putamen, and globus pallidusCognitive, behavioral, and neurological impairments[27, 28]

YoungHumanChronicReduced white matter, corpus callosum, and hippocampal volumesImpairment in neurocognitive tests, including those measuring memory, attention, visuospatial skills, and executive function[29, 30]
Reduced oxygen consumption in the subcallosal, anterior cingulate, left prefrontal, and bilateral insular regionsDysfunction during spatial working memory and simple motor tasks[31, 32]

AdultHumanChronicReduced volume in the diencephalon, cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and white matterProgressive cognitive dysfunction and loss of neural plasticity due to reduced GABAergic inhibition and increased glutamatergic excitation[33]
RatChronicCorpus callosum ultrastructureCognitive and motor function[34]
HumanChronicFrontal and temporal lobesAttention, impulsivity, verbal memory, and impaired cognition[35, 36]
Human or monkeyChronicHypothalamus D3 and 5HT neuronal receptorsAlcohol dependency[37, 38]
HumanChronicNucleus basalis MeynertLoss cognitive disorders and dementia[39ā€“42]
Cerebellar atrophy, Purkinje cell lossWernicke's encephalopathy, cognitive and emotional dysfunction[43, 44]
Peripheral nerves stimulationWithdrawal-induced hyperalgesia[45]
Hemorrhage in the ventral diencephalon, mesencephalon, and Basal ganglia, and severe white matter edema in the cerebral hemispheres and pontine nuclei and medullary tegmentalCognitive impairment, necrosis, and death[46, 47]