Research Article

Effects of Moderate Aerobic Exercise on Cognitive Abilities and Redox State Biomarkers in Older Adults

Table 6

Posttraining correlation coefficients among factors involved in oxidative and inflammatory status and cognitive parameters ().

ParametersTAC (nmol/μL)MDA (μmol/L)8-OHdG (ng/mL)hs-CRP (mg/L)

Orientation 0.315 −0.450 −0.225 −0.610
Visual perception 0.215 −0.314 −0.250 −0.435
Spatial perception 0.198 −0.289 −0.365 −0.580
Motor praxis 0.311 −0.352 −0.465 −0.674
Vasomotor organization 0.250 −0.412 −0.512 −0.750
Thinking operations 0.413 −0.387 −0.535 −0.752
Attention and concentration 0.365 −0.478 −0.620 −0.588

Data presented as coefficient (); significance at <0.001.