Research Article

Regular and Moderate Exercise Counteracts the Decline of Antioxidant Protection but Not Methylglyoxal-Dependent Glycative Burden in the Ovary of Reproductively Aging Mice

Figure 8

Ovarian methylglyoxal-dependent protein damage in mice after regular and moderate treadmill running. Argpyrimidine-directed Western immunoblot in ovaries of middle-aged CD1 female mice after two- or four-month running programme (E2 or E4, resp.); age-matched sedentary animals (S2, S4) were used as controls (, each group). Immunosignals were normalized against the housekeeping protein β-actin. Measurements were carried out by analyzing the single band (arrow) that was found exclusively in blots incubated with both antibodies, by subtracting nonspecific signals obtained by omitting the primary antibody (bottom-left corner). Representative Western blots of four independent experiments were reported (bottom-right corner). Values were given as means ± std. dev. and the level of statistical significance was calculated by using factorial ANOVA and Holm-Sidak post hoc tests for multiple comparisons: ; ; .