Research Article

Oligonol Ameliorates CCl4-Induced Liver Injury in Rats via the NF-Kappa B and MAPK Signaling Pathways

Figure 5

Effects of oligonol on CCl4-induced histopathological changes in rat livers. Representative H&E stained sections of livers of rats treated as described in methods. (a) Liver section of control group shows normal liver architecture, intact hepatocytes, and radiating hepatic cords from the central vein (CV); (b) CCl4-induced damage is indicated by distortion of the tissue architecture, submassive necrosis (thick arrows), fatty changes (thin arrows) in hepatocytes, and aggregations of inflammatory cells (arrowheads); (c) oligonol (10 mg/kg) plus CCl4; and (d) oligonol (50 mg/kg) plus CCl4; oligonol treatment reduced the pathological alterations induced by CCl4. All images are original magnification ×400.