Review Article

“Cumulative Stress”: The Effects of Maternal and Neonatal Oxidative Stress and Oxidative Stress-Inducible Genes on Programming of Atopy

Table 3

Oxidative stress-inducible genes and atopic dermatitis.

GeneClinical relevanceReferences

Glutathione S-transferases- (GSTs-) 1 polymorphism It is associated with atopic dermatitis susceptibility in a Korean population[19]

MicroRNA-223 or hypomethylation of the thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) gene 59-CpG island (CGI) It predisposes the host to development of atopic dermatitis when combined with exposure to oxidative stress[32]

Tumour necrosis factor (TNF) promoter region (TNF-a-308G/A) and linked It is linked to oxidative stress-mediated atopic dermatitis[22]

Nitric oxide polymorphism (T276 (276C/T, nNOS) + C186 (-186A/C, nNOS) + X (CCTTT), nNOS + G954 (-954G/C, iNOS) +220 (TAAA), niNOS + G894 (894C/G, eNOS) + a (VNTR), eNOs)It is related to clinical and functional manifestations of bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis [33]