Research Article

Moringa oleifera Seeds Attenuate Vascular Oxidative and Nitrosative Stresses in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

Figure 3

(a) Nitrosative stress (red staining), nitrotyrosine of proteins, in rat aortas from Wistar Kyoto (WKY), untreated SHR (SHR), and SHR treated with MOI (SHR MOI). Green fluorescence corresponds to autofluorescence of elastin. Below phase-contrast images. Negative control C(−), incubated only with the secondary murine fluorescent-labeled antibody, displays any specific red staining but only the green fluorescence of elastin. (b) Red fluorescence is expressed in arbitrary units (a.u.), (, SHR versus WKY and # SHR MOI versus SHR).