Research Article

Picroside II Shows Protective Functions for Severe Acute Pancreatitis in Rats by Preventing NF-κB-Dependent Autophagy

Table 3

Biochemical parameters of enzyme activities for NASH.

Group ()SOD (U/ML)GSH (ng/L)ALTAST

Control26.24 ± 3.36△●#■25.14 ± 2.14△●#■47.16 ± 10.48△●#■105.32 ± 26.17△●#■
SAP model14.25 ± 5.16*#■12.23 ± 1.83*#■88.78 ± 8.49*#■207.26 ± 17.64*#■
Picroside II, 12.5 mg/kg15.34 ± 2.32*#■13.28 ± 1.64*#■84.79 ± 12.36*#■201.46 ± 26.48*#■
Picroside II, 25 mg/kg21.34 ± 3.48*△●21.38 ± 1.02*△●69.45 ± 12.18*△●156.19 ± 27.28*△●
Picroside II, 50 mg/kg23.68 ± 2.44*△●22.28 ± 1.61*△●65.25 ± 15.8*△●153.24 ± 1744*△●

Note: versus the control group (CG); versus the model group (MG); versus the picroside II group, 12.5 mg/kg; # versus the picroside II group, 25 mg/kg; versus the picroside II group, 50 mg/kg.