Research Article

Phytochemical Analysis of Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects of Mahonia aquifolium Flower and Fruit Extracts

Table 3

In vivo anti-inflammatory effects of M. aquifolium flower, green fruit, and ripe fruit extracts.


CONTROL48,489 ± 12,975116,634 ± 0.678
INFLAM75,234 ± 12,136140,594 ± 15,960
DICLO52,318 ± 5389127,228 ± 10,332
MGF100%72,406 ± 9292143,564 ± 16,419
MGF50%57,473 ± 9110118,317 ± 13,854
MGF25%62,686 ± 10,155133,168 ± 15,522
MRF100%46,898 ± 6766130,941 ± 17,836
MRF50%53,172 ± 3981146,287 ± 15,092
MRF25%53,526 ± 7582121,782 ± 15,522
MF100%59,623 ± 10,224132,178 ± 21,138
MF50%69,638 ± 7507129,951 ± 16,419
MF25%62,421 ± 7539115,842 ± 10,632

3NT—3-nitrithyrosine; M. aquifolium: MGF—green fruits, MRF—ripe fruits, and MF—flowers; , , and .