Research Article

From Oxidative Stress Damage to Pathways, Networks, and Autophagy via MicroRNAs

Table 1

Common gene targets of microRNAs with possible role in oxidative stress. Common targets of 13 oxidative stress-modulated miRNAs: hsa-let7f (91 elements), hsa-miR-9 (936 elements), hsa-miR-16 (294 elements), hsa-miR-21 (105 elements), hsa-miR-22 (330 elements), hsa-miR-29b (158 elements), hsa-miR-99a (24 elements), hsa-miR-125b (412 elements), hsa-miR-128 (785 elements), hsa-miR-143 (263 elements), hsa-miR-144 (647 elements), hsa-miR-155 (281 elements), and hsa-miR-200c (34 elements). Listed are 13 gene targets found to be common to 5, 6, or 7 of the 13 oxidative stress-modulated miRNAs. The database used for this analysis was TargetScan [13]. The miRNA-target genes marked in italics have already been validated and described to be involved in oxidative stress responses.

Target geneAnnotationCommon miRNAs

ZNF618Zinc finger protein 618hsa-miR-9; hsa-miR-22; hsa-miR-125b; hsa-miR-128; hsa-miR-143; hsa-miR-144; hsa-miR-155
SH3PXD2ASH3 and PX domains 2Ahsa-miR-9; hsa-miR-22; hsa-miR-29b; hsa-miR-143; hsa-miR-144; hsa-miR-155
TNRC6BTrinucleotide repeat containing 6Bhsa-miR-9; hsa-miR-16; hsa-miR-29b; hsa-miR-128; hsa-miR-144; hsa-miR-22
CBLCas-Br-M (murine) ecotropic retroviral transforming sequencelet-7f; hsa-miR-9; hsa-miR-22; hsa-miR-143; hsa-miR-155
CPEB3Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3hsa-miR-9; hsa-miR-16; hsa-miR-21; hsa-miR-128; hsa-miR-144
PPARAPeroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alphahsa-miR-9; hsa-miR-22; hsa-miR-21; hsa-miR-128; hsa-miR-144
CLCN5Chloride channel 5 (nephrolithiasis 2, X-linked, Dent disease)hsa-miR-9; hsa-miR-16; hsa-miR-22; hsa-miR-128; hsa-miR-155
CDC14BCDC14 cell division cycle 14 homolog B (S. cerevisiae)hsa-miR-9; hsa-miR-16; hsa-miR-125b; hsa-miR-128; hsa-miR-144
LIFRLeukemia inhibitory factor receptor alphahsa-miR-9; hsa-miR-143; hsa-miR-21; hsa-miR-128; hsa-miR-144
KCNA1Potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 1 (episodic ataxia with myokymia)hsa-miR-9; hsa-miR-155; hsa-miR-21; hsa-miR-128; hsa-miR-144
USP31Ubiquitin-specific peptidase 31hsa-miR-9; hsa-miR-16; hsa-miR-155; hsa-miR-200c; hsa-miR-144
tcag7.1228Hypothetical protein FLJ25778hsa-miR-9; hsa-miR-16; hsa-miR-21; hsa-miR-128; hsa-miR-144
NFIBNuclear factor I/Bhsa-miR-9; hsa-miR-22; hsa-miR-21; hsa-miR-128; hsa-miR-29b

Note: see Supplementary Table 1 for this table in Excel format, and see Supplementary Table 2 for a full list of gene targets found to be common to ≥2 of the 13 oxidative stress-modulated miRNAs (i.e., all possible combinations).